A note to North Gem fans – How you can help

  1. Cheer for ALL players on the TEAM. Parents: When you sign your child up for a team sport, you become a member of the team. In essence, you have adopted the other players as your own. Cheer for them all. This is the purpose of team sport. This is the right thing to do.

  2. Support the Officials. Officiating is a very difficult job. We are losing officials left and right. If you cannot treat the officials kindly, then leave. If we do not have officials, we do not have team sports. Do your part -Be a Role Model – Lead by Example.

  3. Speak positively about the Coaches. Coaching is a very demanding job. Coaches are getting harder to find as well. It is the coaches’ job to think of the TEAM first. Your child’s individual interests always come second to the team. Speak positively about coaches. Don’t be that parent.

  4. Encourage and support your child. Your child needs you as a support for them. They do not need you to solve their issues. Talk them through the adversity that naturally occurs in team sports. These are wonderful life lessons that will make them a better person.

  5. Ask Questions – Not Opinions. Don’t act like you know more than the coach. You are not at practice each day. It is very difficult to manage and lead a TEAM. Until you have done it, you have no idea. Ask questions -do not give opinions.

  6. Be a positive influence at games. Parents are tone setters too. Be a positive influence at all sporting events. Your attitude is contagious to others. Be a positive role model. Lead by example.

  7. Be a fan of the TEAM. This is the beauty of team sports. Turn yourself into a fan of the team and know that your child has an important role. Don’t obsess about playing time. Let it go. You will enjoy the experience so much more and your child will learn an important life lesson.

Upcoming Events

March 2025

Athletic Forms

Interim Questionnaire.pdf
North Gem Middle and High School Athletic Code of Behavior and Activity Participation Form.pdf
North Gem Eligibility and Training Code.pdf
Parent Code of Conduct.pdf

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